Added: - support Samsung GT-i8200 (Direct unlock/imei repair, Read/Write EFS, flashing) - First in the world - support Samsung GT-i8200L (Direct unlock/imei repair, Read/Write EFS, flashing) - First in the world - support Samsung GT-P5200 (Direct unlock/imei repair(zTool),network repair,flashing) - First in the world - support SM-T211M (Direct Unlock/IMEI Repair, Read/Write EFS, flashing) - First in the world - support SM-T210 (flashing, repair SN, Product code, WIFi adress) - First in the world - support SM-T210L (flashing, repair SN, Product code, WIFi adress) - First in the world - support SM-T210R (flashing, repair SN, Product code, WIFi adress) - First in the world - support SM-T210X (flashing, repair SN, Product code, WIFi adress) - First in the world - support SM-T2105 (flashing, repair SN, Product code, WIFi adress) - First in the world Addition function added: - Samsung Gt-i9250 safe repair via zTool added - Samsung SC-04E safe repair via zTool added Samsung Tool Update 17.2 - SM-T211, GT-S7568i - First in the World Today new version of samsung tool released. Added new phones: - support SM-T211 (Direct Unlock/IMEI Repair, Read/Write EFS, flashing) - First in the world - support GT-S7568i (Direct Unlock/IMEI Repair, Read/Write EFS, flashing) - support GT-i8160 (New security) - support GT-i8190 (New security) - support GT-S7710 (New security) Added new security SPD based phones: - support GT-S5280 (New security direct unlock/imei repair) - support GT-S5282 (New security direct unlock/imei repair) - support GT-S7262 (New security direct unlock/imei repair) Addition support added: - support GT-i8160 (Repair Product code/SN/BT/Wifi, Reset EFS) - support GT-I8160L (Repair Product code/SN/BT/Wifi, Reset EFS) - support GT-I8160P (Repair Product code/SN/BT/Wifi, Reset EFS) - support GT-I8530 (Repair Product code/SN/BT/Wifi, Reset EFS) - support GT-I9070 (Repair Product code/SN/BT/Wifi, Reset EFS) - support GT-I9070P (Repair Product code/SN/BT/Wifi, Reset EFS) - support GT-I8190 (Repair Product code/SN/BT/Wifi, Reset EFS) - support GT-I8190L (Repair Product code/SN/BT/Wifi, Reset EFS) - support GT-I8190N (Repair Product code/SN/BT/Wifi, Reset EFS) - support GT-I8190T (Repair Product code/SN/BT/Wifi, Reset EFS) - support GT-S7710 (Repair Product code/SN/BT/Wifi, Reset EFS) - support GT-S7710L (Repair Product code/SN/BT/Wifi, Reset EFS) - support SGH-T599 (Repair Product code/SN/BT/Wifi, Reset EFS) - support SGHT599N (Repair Product code/SN/BT/Wifi, Reset EFS) - support SGH-I407 (Repair Product code/SN/BT/Wifi, Reset EFS) Fixed: - SM-T311 imei repair - GT-i9192 slave imei repair Samsung Tool 17.1 Released. First in the world! Like usually First in the world and exclusive solution, today Infineon based phones update. - support GT-S3800W (direct unlock/read codes/imei arepair/user code read/reset,flashing) - First in the world - support GT-S3802 (direct unlock/read codes/dual imei repair/user code read/reset,flashing) - First in the world - support GT-S3802W (direct unlock/read codes/dual imei repair/user code read/reset,flashing) - First in the world - support GT-C3590 (direct unlock/read codes/imei repair/user code read/reset,flashing) - First in the world - support GT-C3592 (direct unlock/read codes/dual imei repair/user code read/reset,flashing) - First in the world - support GT-C3322I (direct unlock/read codes/dual imei repair/user code reset,flashing) - First in the world Samsung Tool 17.0 Released. Qualcomm new security & Android 4.3 done. - support SHW-E250L (changed Unlock/Repair Algo, added new security ) - support SHW-E250S (changed Unlock/Repair Algo, added new security) - support SGH-I257 (changed Unlock/Repair Algo) - support SGH-I257M (changed Unlock/Repair Algo) - support SGH-I317 (changed Unlock/Repair Algo, added new security) - support SGH-I317M (changed Unlock/Repair Algo, added new security) - support SGH-I337 (changed Unlock/Repair Algo, added new security) - support SGH-I337M (changed Unlock/Repair Algo, added new security) - support SGH-I437 (changed Unlock/Repair Algo, added new security) - support SGH-I467 (changed Unlock/Repair Algo, added new security) - support SGH-I497 (changed Unlock/Repair Algo, added new security) - support SGH-I527 (changed Unlock/Repair Algo) - support SGH-I527M (changed Unlock/Repair Algo) - support SGH-I537 (changed Unlock/Repair Algo) - support SGH-I747 (changed Unlock/Repair Algo, added new security) - support SGH-I747M (changed Unlock/Repair Algo, added new security) - support SGH-I747U (changed Unlock/Repair Algo, added new security) - support GT-I8730 (changed Unlock/Repair Algo, added new security) - support GT-I8730T (changed Unlock/Repair Algo, added new security) - support GT-I9190 (changed Unlock/Repair Algo) - support GT-I9192 (changed Unlock/Repair Algo) - support GT-I9195 (changed Unlock/Repair Algo) - support GT-I9195L (changed Unlock/Repair Algo) - support GT-I9195T (changed Unlock/Repair Algo) - support GT-I9197 (changed Unlock/Repair Algo) - support GT-I9200 (changed Unlock/Repair Algo) - support GT-I9205 (changed Unlock/Repair Algo, added new security) - support GT-I9295 (changed Unlock/Repair Algo) - support GT-I9305 (changed Unlock/Repair Algo, added new security) - support GT-I9305T (changed Unlock/Repair Algo, added new security) - support GT-I9505 (changed Unlock/Repair Algo, added new security) - support GT-I9506 (changed Unlock/Repair Algo) - support GT-I9507 (changed Unlock/Repair Algo) - support GT-I9508 (changed Unlock/Repair Algo) - support SGH-M919 (changed Unlock/Repair Algo, added new security) - support SGH-M919V (changed Unlock/Repair Algo, added new security) - support SGH-M919N (changed Unlock/Repair Algo, added new security) - support GT-N7105 (changed Unlock/Repair Algo, added new security) - support GT-N8020 (changed Unlock/Repair Algo, added new security) - support SC02E (changed Unlock/Repair Algo, added new security) - support SC03E (changed Unlock/Repair Algo, added new security) - support SC04E (changed Unlock/Repair Algo, added new security) - support SGH-T779 (changed Unlock/Repair Algo, added new security) - support SGH-T889 (changed Unlock/Repair Algo, added new security) - support SGH-T889V (changed Unlock/Repair Algo, added new security) - support SGH-T999 (changed Unlock/Repair Algo, added new security) - support SGH-T999N (changed Unlock/Repair Algo, added new security) - support SGH-T999V (changed Unlock/Repair Algo, added new security) - support SGH-G730A (changed Unlock/Repair Algo) New phones added to unique factory 1clock Ztool repair: GT-I9023, GT-i9020 (only via USB cable) New models added: - support GT-i9305T (direct unlock/imei repair, flashing) - support GT-I9192 (direct unlock/imei repair, flashing) - support SGH-i407 (direct unlock/imei repair, flashing) - support SGH-M819N (direct unlock/imei repair, flashing) - SGH-I257 (direct unlock, IMEI repair, flashing) - SGH-i257M (direct unlock, IMEI repair, flashing) - SGH-G730a (direct unlock, IMEI repair, flashing) - GT-S7275R (direct unlock, IMEI repair, flashing) - GT-i8552B (direct unlock, IMEI repair, flashing) - GT-i8262B (direct unlock, flashing) Samsung Tool 16.0 Added: - Samsung GT-S6790 (direct unlock, IMEI repair, flashing) - Samsung GT-S6790N (direct unlock, IMEI repair, flashing) - Samsung GT-S7390 (direct unlock, IMEI repair, flashing) - Samsung GT-I8150B (direct unlock, IMEI repair, flashing) - Samsung GT-I8150T (direct unlock, IMEI repair, flashing) - SPH-L720 (direct unlockx, IMEI repair, flashing) - SGH-T599 (direct unlock, IMEI repair, flashing) - SGH-T599n (direct unlock, IMEI repair, flashing) L720x tested with MDC,MDL baseband. MF9 not tested. if something wrong with MF9, flash MDC, MDL firmware from support dial #0808# and enable DM + MODEM + ADB, + enable debug in menu. Samsung Tool 15.9 Added: - GT-N8000 (direct unlock,read codes, IMEI repair, read/write EFS, flashing) - GT-N8010 (direct unlock,read codes, IMEI repair, read/write EFS, flashing) - GT-I5510M (direct unlock,read codes, IMEI repair, flashing) - GT-I5510L (direct unlock,read codes, IMEI repair, flashing) - GT-I5510T (direct unlock,read codes, IMEI repair, flashing) - GT-I9195L (SAFE Direct Unlock & SAFE OneClick IMEI repair, flashing) - GT-I9195T (SAFE Direct Unlock & SAFE OneClick IMEI repair, flashing) - GT-I9197 (SAFE Direct Unlock & SAFE OneClick IMEI repair, flashing) Fixed: - Detecting root for android phones - s3570, s3572, c3260, c3262 direct unlock and code read Galaxy S4 LTE models hot direct safe codereading without root. Galaxy S4 models direct unlocking. Added: - GT-I9500 (Unlock, Read/Write EFS, flashing ) - GT-I9502 (Unlock, Read/Write EFS, flashing ) - GT-I9505(safe codes reading, direct unlocking, imei/baseband repair, flashing) - GT-I9508(safe codes reading, direct unlocking, imei/baseband repair, flashing) - GT-I337 (safe codes reading, direct unlocking, imei/baseband repair, flashing) - GT-I337M(safe codes reading, direct unlocking, imei/baseband repair, flashing) - SGH-M919(safe codes reading, direct unlocking, imei/baseband repair, flashing) - GT-S5301L(safe codes reading, direct unlocking, imei/baseband repair, flashing) - GT-S5292(safe core reading, direct unlocking, m/s imei repairx, flashing) – first in the world Added: - Samsung GT-S5303 (direct read codes, unlock, flashing, autoroot) - Samsung GT-i8260 (direct read codes, unlock, flashing, autoroot) - Samsung GT-i8262 (direct read codes, unlock, flashing, autoroot) - Samsung GT-i8262D (direct read codes, unlock, flashing, autoroot) - Samsung GT-S7566 (direct read codes, unlock, imei repair, flashing) - Samsung GT-S7710L (direct read codes, unlock, imei repair, flashing) - Samsung GT-i747 (direct imei repair, network repair) - Samsung GT-i747M (direct imei repair, network repair) - Samsung GT-i747U (direct imei repair, network repair Added: - Samsung GT-N7100 addition support (Onelick imei repair solution(10 second), Network repair solution,) - Samsung GT-P5100 addition support (Imei repair via USB cable onlyx, Network repairx ) without patched firmware - Samsung SC-04E added (read codes, direct unlock) - Samsung GT-i8552 support (direct read codes, unlock, imei repair, flashing,autoroot, network repair) - Samsung GT-i8550L support(direct read codes, unlock, imei repair, flashing,autoroot, netwok repair) - Samsung GT-i8550 support (direct read codes, unlock, imei repair, flashing,autoroot, network repair) - Samsung GT-N8020 addition support (imei repair, network repair) Changed: – Unlock algo for S6810, S6810L, S6810P Added: - GT-i9300 (Direct IMEI repair, after update modem you need again repair IMEI) - GT-N8020 support (Direct unlock/read codes ,flashing) - GT-i9080 support (Direct unlock/safe read codes,flashing) - GT-i9080L support (Direct unlock/safe read codes ,flashing) - GT-i8730 support (Direct unlock/safe read codes, flashing) - SGH-i437 support (Direct unlock/safe read codes,imei repair, flashing) - SGH-T769 addition support (Direct imei repair/ 4G activation) - SGH-i747 addition support (Direct imei repair/ 4G activation) - SGH-T999 addition support (Direct imei repair/ 4G activation) - SVH-E210K support (Direct unlock/safe read codes,flashing) Added: - Galaxy S4 LTE models with addition RSA autorisation - Galaxy S4 models with addition RSA autorisation - GT-I9500 with addition RSA autorisation. - GT-I9502 with addition RSA autorisation. - GT-I9505 with addition RSA autorisation. - GT-I9508 with addition RSA autorisation. - GT-I337 with addition RSA autorisation. - GT-I337M with addition RSA autorisation. - SGH-M919 (with addition RSA autorisation. Z3X Box Software Advantages Alphabetical phone model selection or selection by platform from Z3X Shell. Auto displaying information about required cable for each model selected. Auto displaying information if the phone must be connected with battery or without it. Smart Card firmware online update Multilanguage interface. Configuration files exchange between the users. Loading news from the server about update versions and plans. Uses flash files in original format (only UMTS). Works with swap PCB. Service features (Battery calibration LCD contrast RX TX, ... reset). Automatic login to support area from Z3X Shell (Support Button). Z3X Samsung Tool Features Z3X Samsung Tool allows to flash, unlock and repair damaged IMEI, serial number, Bluetooth address etc. for Samsung mobiles. With Samsung Editor you will be able to change language and other resources in many Samsung phones. Supported Platforms: Agere Swift Broadcomm Qualcomm Sysol SEMS Infineon PNX TSWCDMA Z3X Box Supported Phones Z3X Support for Samsung 705SC, 706SC, 707SC, 707SC2, 708SC, 709SC, 730SC, 731SC, 805SC, 820SC, 821SC, 840SC, 920SC, 930SC, 931SC, 940SC, GT-B2100, GT-B2100C, GT-B2700, GT-B2703, GT-B2710, GT-B2710D, GT-B3210, GT-B3210C, GT-B3310, GT-B3310I, GT-B3313, GT-B3410, GT-B3410C, GT-B3410N, GT-B3410R, GT-B3410W, GT-B5210U, GT-B5212U, GT-B5310, GT-B5310L, GT-B5310R, GT-B5310U, GT-B5510, GT-B5510B, GT-B5702, GT-B5702C, GT-B5702L, GT-B5712, GT-B5712C, GT-B5722, GT-B5722C, GT-B6520, GT-B6520L, GT-B7300, GT-B7300C, GT-B7320, GT-B7320L, GT-B7330, GT-B7330B, GT-B7330D, GT-B7330R, GT-B7350, GT-B7510, GT-B7510B, GT-B7510L, GT-B7610, GT-B7610N, GT-B7620, GT-B7620U, GT-B7702, GT-B7702C, GT-B7722, GT-B7722C, GT-B7722H, GT-B7722I, GT-B7732C, GT-C3010, GT-C3010S, GT-C3011, GT-C3050, GT-C3050C, GT-C3053, GT-C3110, GT-C3110C, GT-C3200, GT-C3200G, GT-C3200L, GT-C3212, GT-C3212I, GT-C3222, GT-C3222W, GT-C3230C, GT-C3300, GT-C3300D, GT-C3300K, GT-C3303, GT-C3303I, GT-C3303K, GT-C3310, GT-C3310C, GT-C3322, GT-C3330, GT-C3500, GT-C3510, GT-C3510L, GT-C3510N, GT-C3510T, GT-C3518, GT-C3522, GT-C3528, GT-C3530, GT-C3560, GT-C3610, GT-C3610C, GT-C3630, GT-C3630C, GT-C3730C, GT-C3750, GT-C3752, GT-C5010, GT-C5010B, GT-C5010C, GT-C5010E, GT-C5010L, GT-C5110, GT-C5130, GT-C5130C, GT-C5130S, GT-C5130U, GT-C5180, GT-C5180C, GT-C5212, GT-C5212C, GT-C5212I, GT-C5220, GT-C5510, GT-C5510H, GT-C5510U, GT-C5530C, GT-C6112, GT-C6112C, GT-C6620, GT-C6620N, GT-C6625, GT-C6712, GT-E1050, GT-E1055G, GT-E1055T, GT-E1070, GT-E1070C, GT-E1070M, GT-E1070T, GT-E1075, GT-E1075L, GT-E1075T, GT-E1080, GT-E1080C, GT-E1080F, GT-E1080I, GT-E1080T, GT-E1080W, GT-E1081T, GT-E1083C, GT-E1085F, GT-E1085L, GT-E1085T, GT-E1086I, GT-E1086L, GT-E1086W, GT-E1087T, GT-E1088C, GT-E1100, GT-E1100C, GT-E1100H, GT-E1100T, GT-E1101C, GT-E1105, GT-E1105F, GT-E1105T, GT-E1107, GT-E1107L, GT-E1110, GT-E1110C, GT-E1113, GT-E1113C, GT-E1117, GT-E1117L, GT-E1120, GT-E1120C, GT-E1125, GT-E1125W, GT-E1130B, GT-E1150, GT-E1150C, GT-E1150I, GT-E1155L, GT-E1160, GT-E1170, GT-E1170I, GT-E1170T, GT-E1172, GT-E1175T, GT-E1178, GT-E1180, GT-E1182, GT-E1182C, GT-E1182L, GT-E1190, GT-E1195, GT-E1210, GT-E1210C, GT-E1210M, GT-E1210S, GT-E1215, GT-E1220, GT-E1225F, GT-E1225T, GT-E1228, GT-E1252, GT-E1310, GT-E1310B, GT-E1310C, GT-E1310E, GT-E1310M, GT-E1310S, GT-E1360, GT-E1360B, GT-E1360C, GT-E1360M, GT-E1360S, GT-E1410, GT-E1410C, GT-E2100, GT-E2100B, GT-E2100C, GT-E2100L, GT-E2120, GT-E2120B, GT-E2120C, GT-E2120I, GT-E2120L, GT-E2121, GT-E2121B, GT-E2130, GT-E2152, GT-E2152I, GT-E2210, GT-E2210B, GT-E2210C, GT-E2210H, GT-E2210L, GT-E2210T, GT-E2220, GT-E2222, GT-E2230, GT-E2230M, GT-E2232, GT-E2330, GT-E2330B, GT-E2330C, GT-E2370, GT-E2510, GT-E2510C, GT-E2530, GT-E2550, GT-E2550D, GT-E2550L, GT-E2558, GT-E2558D, GT-E2600, GT-E2652, GT-E2652W, GT-E3210, GT-E3210B, GT-E3210C, GT-E3210L, GT-E3213K, GT-I5500, GT-I5500B, GT-I5500L, GT-I5500M, GT-I5503, GT-I5503T, GT-I5508, GT-I5510, GT-I5510L, GT-I5510T, GT-I5700, GT-I5700E, GT-I5700L, GT-I5800, GT-I5800L, GT-I5801, GT-I6210, GT-I6220, GT-I6230, GT-I6320C, GT-I6330C, GT-I6410, GT-I6500U, GT-I7110, GT-I7500, GT-I7500H, GT-I7500U, GT-I7680, GT-I8000, GT-I8000H, GT-I8000L, GT-I8000N, GT-I8000T, GT-I8000U, GT-I8150, GT-I8180, GT-I8180C, GT-I8320, GT-I8330, GT-I8510, GT-I8510C, GT-I8510H, GT-I8510M, GT-I8520, GT-I8700, GT-I8910, GT-I8910H, GT-I8910U, GT-I9000, GT-I9000B, GT-I9000M, GT-I9000T, GT-I9001, GT-I9003, GT-I9003L, GT-I9008, GT-I9008L, GT-I9010, GT-I9018, GT-I9020, GT-I9023, GT-I9088, GT-I9100, GT-I9100G, GT-I9100T, GT-I9103, GT-I9108, GT-I9188, GT-I9220, GT-I9250, GT-M1360, GT-M2310, GT-M2510, GT-M2510C, GT-M2513, GT-M2513C, GT-M2520, GT-M2710, GT-M2710C, GT-M3200, GT-M3200C, GT-M3310, GT-M3318C, GT-M3510, GT-M3510C, GT-M3510L, GT-M3710, GT-M5650, GT-M5650C, GT-M7500, GT-M7600, GT-M7600B, GT-M7600C, GT-M7600H, GT-M7600L, GT-M7603, GT-M8800, GT-M8800B, GT-M8800C, GT-M8800H, GT-M8800J, GT-M8800L, GT-M8800N, GT-M8910, GT-M8910H, GT-M8910U, GT-N7000, GT-P1000, GT-P1000C, GT-P1000N, GT-P1000T, GT-P1010, GT-P1013, GT-P6200, GT-P6210, GT-P7100, GT-P7310, GT-P7500, GT-P7500C, GT-P7510, GT-S3030, GT-S3030C, GT-S3100, GT-S3100C, GT-S3110, GT-S3110C, GT-S3310 , GT-S3310C , GT-S3310I, GT-S3350, GT-S3350L, GT-S3350M, GT-S3353, GT-S3370, GT-S3370B, GT-S3370C, GT-S3500, GT-S3500C, GT-S3500I, GT-S3501C, GT-S3550, GT-S3550C, GT-S3550L, GT-S3550M, GT-S3600, GT-S3600C, GT-S3600H, GT-S3600I, GT-S3600L, GT-S3601C, GT-S3650, GT-S3650C, GT-S3650H, GT-S3653, GT-S3653M, GT-S3653W, GT-S3710C, GT-S3770, GT-S3778, GT-S3778V, GT-S3830U, GT-S3850, GT-S3853, GT-S3930C, GT-S3970, GT-S5050, GT-S5050C, GT-S5150, GT-S5150C, GT-S5200, GT-S5200C, GT-S5230, GT-S5230C, GT-S5230G, GT-S5230M, GT-S5230N, GT-S5230R, GT-S5230W, GT-S5230Y, GT-S5233A, GT-S5233S, GT-S5233T, GT-S5233W, GT-S5250, GT-S5253, GT-S5260, GT-S5260L, GT-S5263, GT-S5270L, GT-S5330, GT-S5333, GT-S5350, GT-S5350L, GT-S5360, GT-S5360B, GT-S5360C, GT-S5360L, GT-S5363, GT-S5368, GT-S5380D, GT-S5500, GT-S5500C, GT-S5503, GT-S5510, GT-S5510T, GT-S5511T, GT-S5520, GT-S5520C, GT-S5530, GT-S5530C, GT-S5550, GT-S5550C, GT-S5550U, GT-S5560, GT-S5560C, GT-S5560H, GT-S5560I, GT-S5560L, GT-S5570, GT-S5570B, GT-S5570L, GT-S5578, GT-S5580, GT-S5580C, GT-S5600, GT-S5600H, GT-S5600L, GT-S5603, GT-S5603T, GT-S5608U, GT-S5610, GT-S5610K, GT-S5620, GT-S5620B, GT-S5620L, GT-S5628, GT-S5628I, GT-S5630C, GT-S5660, GT-S5660M, GT-S5670, GT-S5670B, GT-S5670L, GT-S5680C, GT-S5750E, GT-S5753E, GT-S5780, GT-S5820, GT-S5830, GT-S5830B, GT-S5830C, GT-S5830I, GT-S5830L, GT-S5830T, GT-S5838, GT-S6700C, GT-S6700T, GT-S6703T, GT-S6888, GT-S7070, GT-S7070C, GT-S7120U, GT-S7220, GT-S7230E, GT-S7230L, GT-S7230W, GT-S7233E, GT-S7250D, GT-S7330, GT-S7350, GT-S7350C, GT-S7350E, GT-S7350F, GT-S7350H, GT-S7350I, GT-S7520U, GT-S7550, GT-S8000, GT-S8000B, GT-S8000C, GT-S8000H, GT-S8000L, GT-S8000M, GT-S8000U, GT-S8003, GT-S8300, GT-S8300C, GT-S8300H, GT-S8300T, GT-S8500, GT-S8500C, GT-S8500T, GT-S8530, GT-S8530B, GT-S8530C, GT-S8530L, GT-S8600, GT-S9402, GT-Y3100, SC-01B, SC-01C, SC-02B , SGH-A127, SGH-A137, SGH-A167, SGH-A177, SGH-A187, SGH-A226, SGH-A227, SGH-A237, SGH-A256, SGH-A257, SGH-A26A, SGH-A401, SGH-A411 , SGH-A412 , SGH-A437, SGH-A501, SGH-A516, SGH-A551, SGH-A561, SGH-A637, SGH-A657, SGH-A687, SGH-A697, SGH-A701, SGH-A706, SGH-A707, SGH-A717, SGH-A727, SGH-A736, SGH-A737, SGH-A747, SGH-A747N, SGH-A766, SGH-A767, SGH-A777, SGH-A797, SGH-A801, SGH-A811, SGH-A821, SGH-A827, SGH-A836, SGH-A837, SGH-A847, SGH-A847R, SGH-A867, SGH-A877, SGH-A885, SGH-A887, SGH-A897, SGH-B100, SGH-B100K, SGH-B100M, SGH-B108, SGH-B110, SGH-B110L, SGH-B130, SGH-B130L, SGH-B130S, SGH-B130T, SGH-B200, SGH-B208, SGH-B210, SGH-B220, SGH-B228, SGH-B270, SGH-B300, SGH-B308, SGH-B310, SGH-B318, SGH-B320, SGH-B328, SGH-B460, SGH-B500, SGH-B508, SGH-B510, SGH-B518, SGH-B520, SGH-B520B, SGH-B520V, SGH-B528, SGH-BC01, 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